With a world that's constantly changing and undergoing developments, we are confronted with the important task of making a difference for ourselves and the society we live in. If you are looking for a platform to express your opinions, hear the thoughts of others and weigh arguments based on evidence and impact, we welcome you to NITCMUN 2017, conducted by the students of NITC. This is where extreme opinions and intricate foreign policies lead to hours of discussion to find solutions to problems that plague our world, all while gaining an armoury of knowledge.
The committee chosen for this year's NITCMUN is the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural (SOCHUM). SOCHUM is the third committee of the UN general assembly and it deals with a range of social and humanitarian affairs and human rights issues.
The time has come for passionate discussions and unyielding negotiations. The time to make a difference, to make your voice heard. Come join us at the NITCMUN 2017 in Kochi, this July.

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) is the third committee of the UN General Assembly. It is tasked with a broad mandate which includes social, humanitarian and human rights issues from around the world. Some examples of such issues addressed those related to global literacy, women's rights, children's rights, treatment of refugees, international drug control, crime prevention and elimination of racism and discrimination. SOCHUM works closely with other UN and non-UN bodies, governmental or non-governmental.
The topic under discussion for SOCHUM-"Evaluating Current Approaches to Counter Terrorism in More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs)"
For further details regarding the events please have a look through the study guides.